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I added the seo-all-in-one plugin for wordpress. I've been looking at other plugins and widgets, there is just a ton of free stuff available for wordpress. Oh yeah, I also installed a stat plugin that I think will be cool - once I start getting some traffic.
I don't plan on getting too much traffic right off the bat. So far I've made four blog posts. It doesn't have enough on the site yet to consider a ppc campaign so I'm going to start with some article marketing. I just submitted the first article for this site. That will bring my article count at ezinearticles to 17.
I have high hopes for this site, I guess I have high hopes for all my sites, but remember that the first two still really suck.
It's been too long since I've had a sale. I still haven't had a two sale day yet. I keep hoping that I'll jump straight to a three sale day.
The writing is coming easier for me every day. The article I wrote this afternoon was actually fun to work with. I am getting a little faster, but still get hung up some. It's starting to get exciting and I'm having more fun with this every day. I can't wait to get up in the morning and get to the computer to see what action there was overnight.
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