Sunday, June 22, 2008

Making My Second Site = User Friendly

I'm trying to make my second site more user friendly. It is a review site and I've been going through each of the 'reviews' trying to get all the text to look the same and to be the same size. It's a pain, but I think it will help with conversions.

The third site that I want to start is going to be a wordpress site. I'm excited to get it going. I'm trying to get together a very good list of keywords for the site. I have also been searching for a good theme. Once I get those together I'm going to begin again.

I'm not exactly proud of my first two sites. This third site I am going to try to take to the next level.

I haven't been writing articles. I have to create a new author for each site so I can be more targeted. I'm going to try to get a few done tonight.

I have to go take some motrin - too much time at the computer. I need to start taking regular breaks. I did just get a new office chair and that helps.

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